How to Finish Wood, Hard & Soft Woods

How to Finish Wood, Hard & Soft Woods

Suggestions and plans for good finishes on both hard and soft woods, step by step guide for how to achieve a good finish on interior wood.

Craftsman Style

¶ Natural Finish on Hard and Soft Woods; Stained Finish on Hard and Soft Woods; Cabinet and Furniture Finishes; Extra Fine Cabinet and Furniture Finishes.

¶ For quick and ready reference it is thought that the following working plans will be of considerable help to those who want to learn quickly just what constitutes the common practice for each of the various kinds of jobs in woodworking finishing work. After all there is no difference between a high class, costly finish and a less costly one except that in the former many coats and operations are included which are not a part of the quicker, less costly job. As a general proposition when a craftsman has spent the years necessary to become possessed of expert skill it is difficult, if not quite impossible for him to do more than one kind of work, so what he does on a low cost job is usually done just as well as those operations can be done on the better jobs, but of course, he simply omits some coats and operations for the cheaper jobs.

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