![]() Finishing Tools for WoodworkingThe tools needed for carrying out finishing and staining wood with chemical based finishes and stains. | |
¶ A finisher using chemical and aniline stains needs certain tools for weighing and measuring small amounts of concentrated substances. A spring scale should never be used. A balance scale of the postal type is useful when nothing less than ounces is to be weighed. Smaller amounts require the use of a scale similar to those in use by druggists and photographers. They have weights graduated down to ounces, half ounces, quarter ounces, grains and drams. Such a scale is pictured in Picture 3.
¶ A mortar and pestle, such as are shown in Picture 4, is very handy and a time saver when it is necessary to pulverize granular or lump chemicals before dissolving them in water.
¶ A one quart liquid graduate marked off into ounces, like Picture 5, is really needed, and a smaller one is also handy when it is marked off into smaller gradations.
¶ A glass funnel and a hard rubber stirring rod are also well worth the little they cost. All of these tools can be secured wherever photographers' supplies are carried, also through druggists. A gallon of chemical stain will cover about 500 square feet on soft woods and from 700 to 800 square feet on hard woods, one coat. Next Page: Wood Staining with Chemicals. | |
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