How to Whitewash, Whitewashing Walls

How to Whitewash, Whitewashing Walls

Tips and information on how to whitewash walls and floors, whitewashing techniques and ideas.

Craftsman Style

Whitewash, as everyone knows, is applied with a wide, flat brush; the operator does not rub it on, as the painter does paint, but lightly brushes over the wall or ceiling with the brush so as to use the ends of the bristles, not bearing on enough to bend over the bristles so that a great part of their length will touch the wall. The brush is held lightly; the arm is not stiff, but bends freely at the elbow; the whole action should show flexibility and freedom. This is equally true of calcimining, which is only a variety of whitewashing. In whitewashing a ceiling it is well for the operator to begin on the side next the windows, so as to be working away from the light.

The floor should be covered with canvas or building-paper, as lime-stains are difficult to remove. Before beginning work the wall or ceiling to be treated should be thoroughly cleaned; old whitewash should be washed off, scrubbing it with a brush if necessary; and if it is a place where the good appearance is important, as in a room, stains should be removed or covered up, as will be described under the subject of Kalsomine. Whitewash is the most purely white coating known; and it is sanitary, as the lime has a purifying action, kills germs, and does not act as a medium for their growth. It is on this account a good coating for cellar-walls and the like, also for the interior of stables and outbuildings in general.

Next Page: Whitewashing Colors & Whitewash Brushes.

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