Parlor Furniture

Parlor Furniture

Ideas and designs for antique parlor room furniture.

Craftsman Style

¶ This picture contains the prominent articles for a parlor, and can be made either in rosewood or walnut. This style of heavy mouldings (with just sufficient carvdd ornament to relieve the joints of the sections) is now very fashionable for persons not wishing very expensive furniture. The sofas, armchairs, and small chairs are of the same shape and finish. The seats are plainly upholstered and the backs are tufted. The style of upholstery can he changed to suit the character of the covering to be used. If satin or brocatelle, it is well to tuft the backs and do the seats plainly; if plush, it makes the best finish to do it all plainly and have all of the edges square stitched, (see Figure 192;) if mochette or tapestry covering in medallions is to be used, it must be plain, with elastic edges, so that the cover, when drawn on tight at first, will pull hard on the elastic edge, and, as the cover stretches, the elasticity of the edge will draw it tight, and keep it from wrinkling.

¶ The center table has a marble top, ordinarily; but a beautiful way of finishing it is with plate glass top in a frame, and the inside of the table lined with velvet, leaving a box four inches deep. The lid can be removed at pleasure, and articles placed inside are protected from the dust and from handling. The effect is very good.

¶ The etagere matches the other articles.

Parlor Furniture
Parlor Furniture

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