Drawing Room Furniture

Drawing Room Furniture

Designs for drawing room furniture in the French style.

Craftsman Style

¶ This picture is a fair representation of a new style of parlor or drawing room furniture. It will be observed that the wood-work on the sofas and chairs is continued in scrolls on the back of each. The upholstery around these scrolls is stitched up square about one and a quarter inches, which gives the scrolls that much depression from the surface of the covering. Around the lower part of the back there is a roll thrown in, which adds much to the style, and enables the workman to draw the covering very tight without setting in gores. This roll projects over on the seats, (which are very wide), and makes the furniture very comfortable. This suit is finished in medallion Gobelin tapestry of green ground, with gold centerpieces, and bouquets of rich colors in the center of the gold.

¶ The center table is much the same as on Figure 193, only this one is round and the other is oval.

¶ The etagere is very ornamental, but is difficult to transfer properly on paper. It has a marble slab in the center, and has seven mirrors in the frames in the back. It is in harmony with the other articles on the plate.

Drawing Room Furniture
Drawing Room Furniture.

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