![]() Two Story House PlansTwo story house and floor plans. | |
¶ The individuality of this two story house design, as a feature in the landscape, would be too prominent for a strictly rural residence, for which reason we use the term suburban, impressed as we are with the feeling that there is a happy medium to be found between the strictly urban and country, entitled to be called Suburban. Too little attention has generally been awarded to these distinctions by the designer and proprietor, and the consequence is that we sometimes see the oblong, poly-storied house located outside of city limits, much to the horror of its country neighbors.
¶ Although this design does not strictly belong to any of the historical divisions of style, a little examination will show that the elements of style have not been overlooked or violated in its composition. Horizontal lines seem to prevail, and yet there is a pervading spirit of irregularity and novelty in the details which dissipates at once all ideas of the Grecian character. But the unity and harmony manifested in the composition amply compensate for the want of precedent, and we hope our readers will favor it none the less because it cannot be directly referred to some Gothic or Grecian model. Two Story House Floor Plans¶ On the principal floor, picture 92, A is the entrance veranda, and B the main hall containing the spiral staircase. Two passages E, branch off from this at right angles to each other, by which ready communication is had with the rear entrance and domestic rooms. A square parlor C, 20 by 20 feet, occupies the central front projection, and can boast of a very pretty octagonal bay window.
¶ A library 10 by 12 feet, designated by the letter D, is very conveniently situated near the entrance hall. I, a sitting-room, 16 by 18 feet, adjoining the parlor, is entered from the passage C or the back veranda I, through a well lighted vestibule. K, a veranda adjoining the sitting room and parlor, is entered from both by lengthened windows. F is the kitchen, 10 by 20 feet, and G the dining room, 14 by 18 feet; these rooms communicate through a pantry H, 10 by 14 feet. ¶ On inspection of the bedroom floor, picture 93, we find the stair landing, designated by L, with branch passages M, through which communication may be had with all the bedrooms. S is the best of these, but N, 0, Q, and R, particularly the latter, are very desirable rooms. P may be used as a dressing room or converted into a bathroom. Construction¶ The walls of this design are intended to be of rubble-stone, or, as it is sometimes termed, Cyclopean masonry; the coins only as represented in the drawing, picture 91, to be squared and smoothly dressed. The roof-pitch is such as to admit of slate or shingles for covering. Next Page: Medieval Manor House Design. | |
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