Cottage Floor Plans

Cottage Floor Plans

¶ A cottage planned with a special idea to economical heating.

Heated Cottage
Heated Cottage

¶ Note the use of the bay window on the lower floor and the dormer above to add to the structural interest of this plain little cottage dwelling. The interior is carefully planned to give the most convenient arrangement of rooms and to utilize all the space, so that there is more room in the house than might be expected from the space occupied, which is thirty feet front by 22 feet deep.

Cottage Floor Plans II

¶ A cottage that comes within the limits of very moderate means.

Economical Cottage
Economical Cottage

¶ A cottage with a frontage of thirty-four feet and a depth of twenty-four feet. It is arranged so that the rooms are a trifle larger than those in the cottage shown above, as no space is taken off for a veranda. The cost of the two buildings is about the same and comes within very moderate means.

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