Rustic Cabin Plans¶ A rustic cabin that is meant for a weekend cottage or a vacation home. | |
¶ This is another example of the cottages built at Craftsman Farms and is somewhat larger than the stone cabin shown in the small cabin plans, as it contains a bathroom and a recessed porch which serves as an open air dining room, in addition to the living room, two bedrooms and kitchen provided in the smaller cottage.
¶ The walls of the rustic cabin are sheathed with boards eight or ten inches wide and seven eighths of an inch thick. A truss of hewn timber in each gable. projecting a foot and a half from the face of the wall, not only gives added support to the roof, but forms a decorative feature that relieves the extreme simplicity of the construction. The casement windows are all hung so they will swing outward and are mostly small and set rather high in the wall. At the ends of the building these casements are protected by simple shutters, each one made of two wide hoards with either heart shaped or circular piercing. These solid shutters provide ample shelter in severe weather.
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