![]() Bungalow Style Home Plan¶ The plans and drawings of this bungalow are adapted from rough sketches by Mr. George D. Rand, of Auburndale, Mass. Mr Rand is an architect, and these sketches were made for his own bungalow, which is situated in the mountain region of New Hampshire. In sending the sketches, he gave permission to use the idea as designed by him, with such alterations as seemed best. A number of minor modifications are made in the original design, and many of the suggestions for construction are new. | |
¶ The house is somewhat irregular in design, but is so admirably proportioned and planned that the broken lines impress one as they do when seen in some old English house that has grown into its present shape through centuries of alteration in response to changing needs. It seems above all things to be a house fitted to crown a hilltop in the open country, especially where the slope is something the same as indicated in the site here shown. The line from the back of the roof down to the boat landing comes as near to being a perfect relation of house and ground as is often seen, and this relation is of the first importance in the attempt to suit a house to its environment. Exterior¶ The exterior walls and the roof are of shingles, and the foundations, parapets, columns and chimneys are of split stone laid up in dark cement. The construction of the roof is admirable and, with all the irregularity, there is a certain ample graciousness and dignity in line and proportion. At the front of the house between the two gables is a recessed court, paved with red cement cut into squares like tiles and roofed over with a pergola of which the beautiful construction is shown in the picture below given of this court.
Porch¶ The large porch at the side of the house is intended for an outdoor living and dining room and corresponds closely in arrangement with the rooms which open upon it. Its construction is the same as that of the court, except that it is sheltered by a wide eaved roof instead of a pergola and is so arranged that it can be easily closed in for cold or stormy weather. At the end next to the living room there is a large fireplace built of split stone, which exactly corresponds with the fireplace in the indoor living room. A good fire of logs on this outdoor hearth gives the same effect of warmth and cheer as a camp fire. If casements were placed all around the porch so that it could be entirely closed in time of storm and cold, it might be an excellent idea to floor it smoothly with wood for dancing; but if it is to be exposed to the weather, the cement floor would be more durable, as sun and wind soon roughen the best wood floor. Interior¶ The house is rich in fireplaces, for not only are there the large chimneypieces, in the living room and on the porch adjoining, but two of the bedrooms on the lower floor have corner fireplaces. As the kitchen is so placed as to be practically detached from the remainder of the house, another flue is necessary for the kitchen range.
¶ From the court the entrance door opens into a small square hall, which is practically an alcove of the living room and which connects by a narrow passage with the bedrooms at the opposite side of the house. The bathroom is placed almost in the center of the house, which might be undesirable if it were not completely shut off from the living rooms by the plan of the hall and by the same plan made easily accessible to the three bedrooms. Living Room¶ The construction of the living room is very interesting, as everything is revealed up to the ridge pole and rafters of the roof. The roof itself has such a long sweep that there would be danger of its sagging, were it not for the trusses that brace it in the center. These trusses, in addition to their use, add much to the decorative effect of the structure. Across the front and down the side of the living room to the fireplace is a built-in seat paneled below and backed with a wainscot of V-jointed boards. If desired, the top of this seat can be hinged in sections, making the lower part a place for storing things. The window above the seat in front gives an unusually interesting effect, as there is a group of double casements on what in an ordinary house would be the lower floor, and another group of single casements, the center one higher than the sides, just above the frieze and beam. Another casement set high in the wall is placed opposite the fireplace. corresponding in position to the door which opens the porch.
Balcony¶ Extending to a point half way across the opening into the hall is the balcony which forms the upstairs sitting room this is divided from the living room only by a railing. The floor of this balcony forms the ceiling of the dining room, which is separated from the living room only by double cupboards made to be used as bookcases on one side and china closets on the other. These cupboards extend to the same height as the window sills and mantel, carrying this line around the room. The space above is open and hung with small curtains. This effect of a small low dining room recessed from a living room that runs clear to the roof is delightful in the sense it gives off homelike comfort, as the effect is that of a snug little retreat devoted to good cheer. Floor Plans
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