Country Farm House Plans

Country Farm House Plans

¶ A roomy, inviting farm house, designed for pleasant home life in the country. With pictures.

Farm House Picture
Farm House Picture.
View showing front porch, outside kitchen and dormer window treatment.

¶ Believing that no form of house better repays the thought and care put upon it than does the farm house, we give here a design for the kind of house that is meant above all things to furnish a pleasant, convenient and comfortable environment for farm life and farm work.

¶ The house is low, broad and comfortable looking in its proportions and exceedingly simple in design and construction. The walls are sheathed with clap boards and rest upon a foundation of field stone that is sunk so low as to be hardly perceptible, so that the house, while perfectly sanitary and well drained, seems very close to the ground. The clapboards are eight or ten inches wide and should be at least seven eighths of an inch thick. Although they are to be laid like all clapboards, the thickness of the boards will necessitate a small triangular strip between each board and the joist to which it is nailed. This support prevents the boards from warping or splitting, as they might do if nailed directly to the joist without any support between.

¶ The grouping of the windows is one of the most attractive features of the farm house plan as seen from the outside. They are all casements made to swing outward and are grouped in long horizontal lines that harmonize admirably with the low pitched roof and the wide low look of the house as a whole. The shutters are made of wide clapboards like those used on the walls, four boards to each shutter, with a heart shaped piercing cut out of the two central boards hefore they are fitted together. These shutters are wide enough to cover the whole window when closed. The windows that give light to the three front bedrooms upstairs are grouped into one long dormer, the casements being divided by two plaster panels, behind which come the ends of the partitions between the bedrooms. This dormer adds greatly to the effect of the whole building, as it breaks the long sweep of the roof without introducing a false line.

Farm House Interior Furnishings
Farm House Interior Furnishings.
Living room of the farmhouse showing fireplace nook with built-in seats and casement windows; the entry appears at one side of the nook.

¶ The plan of the farmhouse interior is simple to a degree, as the rooms are arranged with a view to making the work of the household as light as possible. The greater part of the lower floor is taken up by the large living room, which practically includes the dining room, as the division between them is so slight as to be hardly more than the suggestion of a partition on either side of the wide opening. The front door opens into an entry or vestibule which is divided from the living room by a curtain and, where provision is made, for hanging up hats and coats and for keeping other outdoor belongings.

Farm House Floor Plans

First Story Floor Plan
First Story Floor Plan

Second Story Floor Plan
Second Story Floor Plan

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