Shingled Cottage House Plan

Shingled Cottage House Plan

A small shingled house that shows many unique structural features.

Shingled House
Shingled House
Exterior view from the front.

¶ We have suggested the use of shingles for the walls of this plain little cottage because they seem the best adapted to the peculiarities of its construction. They should, however, be laid in double course, the top ones being well exposed and the under ones showing not much over an inch below. This not only gives an interesting effect of irregularity as to the wall surface, but adds much to the warmth of the house. All the lines of the framework are simple to a degree, but the plainness is relieved by the widely overhanging eaves and rafters of the roof, the well proportioned porch which is balanced by the extension to the rear, the heavy beams which run entirely around the walls with a slight turn of the shingles above and the effective grouping of the windows.

Window Seat
Window Seat.
Window seat in living room.

¶ The little house is built to stand rough weather and this sturdiness is the direct cause of the wealth of attractive structural features. The roof of the porch projects two and a half feet, which affords protection even in a driving storm. Also for protection, all the exposed windows are capped hy little shingled hoods which come up from the walls and which, in addition to their usefulness, form one of the most charming features of the whole construction. The eaves of the main roof project over the front for two and a half feet, and the weight is supported by purlins placed at the peak of the roof and at this connection with each of the side walls. This widely projecting roof gives a most comfortable effect of shelter and homelikeness, an effect which is heightened by the way in which the quaint little casement windows on the second story seem to hide under its wing.

Living Room
Living Room.
Interior elevation of living room.

¶ The view of the living room shown in the pictures is that which would be seen by anyone looking through the triple casement on the side wall. The first thing seen by one entering from the porch would be the fireplace, which is thrown diagonally across the corner with a small built in seat between it and the landing of the staircase. The fireplace is made of rough red brick, with a stone mantel shelf set on a line with the wainscot.

Corner Fireplace
Corner Fireplace.
Living room showing corner fireplace, built-in seat and stair landing, with a view of the entrance door at the side.

Shingled House Floor Plan
Shingled House Floor Plan

Second Story Floor Plans
Second Story Floor Plans

This is Shingled Cottage House Plan is Copyright © 2005-23 by International Styles