Traditional Home Plans

Traditional Home Plans

Old fashioned, traditional home plans with the dining room and kitchen in one.

Traditional Home
Traditional Home.
View of house from the front showing dormers, rntrancr porch and grouping of windows.

¶ Upon looking over the plan of this compact little home, it occurs to us that possibly some people might like the general idea of the house and yet not find it convenient to go into the simple life to such an extent as to have the dining room and kitchen in one, as suggested here. Personally we like very much the homely comfort and good cheer which belongs to the big, old fashioned kitchen which is exquisitely kept and which has in it room for the dining table. But in order to make such an arrangement a success, a woman would have to be the sort of a housekeeper her grandmother probably was, and take a personal interest in her cupboard shelves and the brilliancy of her copper and brass cooking utensils, which few women nowadays have time to do.

Back Veranda
Back Veranda.
Recessed veranda at the back of the house, which may be used as a dining porch in summer and glassed in for a conservatory or sun room in winter.

Living Room Picture
Living Room Picture
Living room, showing fireplace of split boulders; nook with built in bookcases and writing desk; division of wall spaces by wainscoting, stenciled panels and frieze, and effect of casements set high in the wall above the wainscot.

Kitchen Picture
Kitchen Picture.
Kitchen and dining room combined, showing range set in a recess and hooded to carry off cooking odors; the decorative effect of an old fashioned cupboard built into the wall and the placing of the dining table beneath a group of four windows.

¶ For those who prefer a separate dining room and a kitchen proper, we would suggest that the pantry and storeroom be thrown into one and used for a kitchen. The chimney built for the range would serve equally well for a fireplace in the dining room, and the range, if set in the adjoining corner, could easily be connected with the same flue. One of the pleasantest features is the veranda at the back, which can be enclosed with glass in winter.

The Floor Plans

First Floor Plans for Traditional Home
First Floor Plans for Traditional Home.

Second Floor Plans for Traditional Home
Second Floor Plans for Traditional Home.

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