Climbing Vines in Gardens

Climbing Vines in Gardens

Ideas for using climbing vines in gardens to create natural shade.

¶ In connection with these garden pictures we give several examples of the effect of an abundant growth of vines over the walls of the house and around its foundations, and also show in one picture the result that can be obtained by allowing a fast growing vine to form a leafy shade to the porch that is used as an outdoor living room. The lattice construction of the roof admits plenty of sunlight.

House with Vines
House with Vines.
An example of the effect produced by the lavish use of vines upon a house where they naturally belong. The construction of cobblestone and rough cement seems to demand just such gracious drapery to bring it into still closer relationship with its surroundings.

Vine Covered Porch
Vine Covered Porch.
Vine covered porch that is used as an outdoor living room and that seems more a part of the garden than of the house.

Flight of Steps
Flight of Steps.
A flight of steps which have been cut out from the side of a hill and reinforced with heavy boards rounded at the edge. The curving line of the steps, which conforms to the contour of the hill and the drapery of vines and natural undergrowth that covers the rustic railing on either side gives to this approach a rare and compelling charm.

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