Dye Wood Color MixingHow to dye wood and make preparations for wood dyeing, water based wood dye colors and mixing. | |
¶ The group of stains which come within these classifications are relatively unimportant but are given largely to clarify the finisher's understanding of the various kinds of stains. ¶ The color pigment stains are of no value for high-class work, especially upon hard, close-grain woods, because after all pigment stains of any type do not really color or dye the wood fibre, they simply spread a semi-transparent color coating on top of the wood. If the pigments are very fine and transparent, as those of good quality are, the stain does very well for porous, soft woods like soft pine, poplar, fir, etc. The pigment stains are satisfactory also for cheap work and temporary structures where it is desirable, principally, to color the wood and to put on little or no finish beyond color. Dyewood Water Based Stains¶ Years ago before the coal tar dye stains, anilines, etc., appeared on the market for use as wood stains finishers made water stains from a great many materials by cooking, steeping and brewing roots, berries, barks, leaves and minerals and gums in water and acid or alkaline solutions. In that manner the natural dye coloring matter was extracted. ¶ After securing the dye extracts various solutions of acids or alkalies were mixed with the stain or used on the wood in advance in order to fix the colors, to act as mordants. ¶ Time is worth too much in these days of high wages to make it practical to use these old formulas on the average job, but there is some advantage in knowing how those stains were made. The prepared aniline and other coal tar dye stains are much more simple to handle, they save time and produce better results. There is no danger connected with their mixing and use, whereas some of the acid and strong alkaline, caustic solutions in the following formulas burn the skin and clothing if carelessly handled. Rubber gloves are needed. ¶ The dye woods and other materials commonly sold for use in these stains are: ¶ Extract of logwood(black). ¶ There were many other dye substances used which are not listed by some of the paint supply houses, such as japonica, chestnut, fustic, bloodroot, etc. ¶ All of these coloring substances vary greatly in coloring strength and so it is necessary constantly to doctor formulas. Some of them are quite permanent in strong light, others like madder are very fugitive. All colors produced by the dyewood group of stains can be reproduced in character and better quality by the use of the aniline and other coal tar dye stains, most of which are permanent in light. Mixing Dye Wood Colors¶ Oak Browns - 1 pound annato, ¶ Mahogany - Nitric acid. Dilute with water and brush on to wood. Let dry. ¶ Cherry - 1 pound annato, ¶ Ebony Black - 3 pounds extract of logwood, ¶ Silver Gray - 3 pounds extract of logwood, ¶ Other Grays - Gallnuts. Soak in denatured alcohol two or three days. Next Page: Color Pigment Based Stains. | |
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