Dining Table Linens

Dining Table Linens

Fine, homespun table linens and table scarfs in country themes. Dining table linen in hand woven traditional style.

¶ For scarfs, table squares, luncheon and dinner sets and the like, we find that the most suitable fabrics in connection with the Craftsman furnishings are the linens, mostly in the natural colors and the rougher weaves. We use hand woven and homespun linens in many weights and weaves, and a beautiful fabric called Flemish linen, which has a matt finish and is very soft and pliable to the touch. Some of these come in the cream or ivory shades and all of them in the tones of cream gray and warm pale brown natural to the unbleached linen. We find, as a rule, that the finer and more delicate white linens, do not belong in a Craftsman room any more than silks, plushes and tapestries in delicate colorings belong with the Craftsman furnittlre. The whole scheme demands a more robust sort of beauty, something that primarily exists from use and that fulfils every requirement. The charm that it possesses arises from the completeness with which it answers all these demands and the honesty which allows its natural quality to show.

Table Scarfs
Table Scarfs.
At Left: Table scarf of uneleached handwoven linen with dragonfly design darned in Persian colors.
At Right: Table scarf with ginkgo design in applique of deep leaf green upon homespun linen.

Table Scarf
Table Scarf.
Table scarf of homespun linen with pine cone design in applique.

Poppy Design Scarf
Poppy Design Scarf.
Table scarf for a bedroom with poppy design in darned work.

Hand Woven Scarf
Hand Woven Scarf.
Scarf of hand-woven linen with pine cone design in darned work.

This is Dining Table Linens.

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