Built In Furniture - Dining Room Sideboards

Built In Furniture - Dining Room Sideboards

Ideas and plans for built in furniture in the dining room with a focus on sideboard buffet furniture in the arts and crafts style.

Built In Sideboard Furniture

Built In Sideboards
Built In Sideboards.

¶ Another form of built-in sideboard with linen drawers on either side. This is intended to fill the whole space across the end of the dining room.

Built in Sideboard
Built in Sideboard.

¶ Sideboard built into a recess with dish cupboards on either side. Square matt finished tiles are used to fill in the panels above these cupboards and the space between the top of the sideboard and the window ledge.

Built in Dining Room Furniture
Built in Dining Room Furniture.

Built in Cupboards

¶ Dining room with dish cupboard built into the wall so that the doors are flush with the surface. The sideboard in this case is movable and the remainder of the wall space below the frieze is taken up by a picture window in which are accented the colors that prevail in the decoration of the room.

Next Page: Window Decorating Ideas.

This is Built In Furniture - Dining Room Sideboards.

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