Craftsman Furniture Plans

Craftsman Furniture Plans

This is an itemised list of all the important plans and projects that Gustav Stickley published in his "Craftsman Homes". The furniture plans come complete with drawings and pictures as well as basic instructions and tips on making them.

¶ As to the actual construction of the pieces shown here, it is in most cases very simple. By a careful study of the different models it will be noted that the only attempt at decoration lies in the emphasizing of the actual structural features, such as posts, panels, tenons with or without the key, the dovetail joint and the key as it is used to strengthen and emphasize the joining of two boards. For the rest, the beauty of each piece depends wholly upon the care with which the wood is selected, the proportions and workmanship of the piece, and the attention that is given to the delicate details of construction and to the finish of the wood.

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